Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Life is Sweeter with Ref Cakes!

 Ref Cakes by Craves..

This photo on the left is the end-product of our cravings for cakes…
It started one sunny morning that we both woke up and felt the crave for a cake. Unfortunately, we do not have enough money to satisfy our desire to even have a slice of it. We felt a bit miserable of having been deprived of a piece of cake. We even asked ourselves why does it cost too much to have just a slice and yet we are not satisfied?

With these thoughts came an idea of creating our very own cake. But how? We don’t even own an oven nor have any baking materials. So we thought of a simple cake that needs no baking at all. What actually came as an idea was a graham cake, but what could make a simple graham cake more enticing than to create one with a twist!

Right there and then we started to create our soon to be masterpiece cake that we then called “Ref Cakes” for they are simply placed on the fringe right after making one. And because the creators of it are more than craving for a cake that day, we added the name “by Craves” to complete our now DTI registered name “REF Cakes by Craves”.

We cannot say it tastes perfect, but of course for us ‘creators’ of it, it tasted like the best yet cheapest ref cakes ever made! (love your own!) but of course it’s incomparable with the normal cakes found on famous shops that has undergone oven baking, with icings and all that. This one is especially created for those who craves for a unique refrigerated cakes in different flavors and not to mention, a cheap one.


On one of our photos here shows the different flavors: we have mango floatee, mocha crumble, creamy blueberry, cookies and cream and strawberry cream. On the bottom is the crust and each flavor are found in the middle of the specially made cream topped with crushed graham. But for cookies and cream, we use crushed oreos on top to really have a taste and feel of a real cookie and a cream ^_^.
Oh well so much for these, we will share to you more as soon as we have compiled our new ref cakes photos and of course to start  our journey for food trips here in our town! 


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