Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Start of Our Food Stories.. ^_^

It has been a while since we have planned to create a blog site for the one thing that we love to do: road trip and eat. Riding on our motorcycle while enjoying the view and the cool breeze has always been one of our favorite things to do and of course, what would make our road trip memorable than a nice fancy meal or snack found on the very place that we stop. 

Normally when people travel and eventually got hungry, all we can think about are the nearest fast food chains available on the area. What we often miss are those hidden food palaces within the vicinity that serves rare but scrumptious delicacies. And so this is where our cravings where little by little satisfied by those tiny and weird looking eateries found here in Cavite..yes, here in the very heart of our town called Imus. 

The measurement of how much we love to travel is equivalent to the measurement of how much we love to eat. So for every place that we go, we always make sure to check out what this place is famous of in terms of food, especially those odd eateries and restos that were like mushrooms that just appeared somewhere.

But what do we really look for in a food to say it’s yummy or delicious? What makes it so special that we always come back for it no matter how far or how expensive it is? All these and more are what we will love to share with all of you. Enjoy reading!

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