Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Plaza Sizzlers’ Chicken Wings and Pork Barbecue

As me and my Green stride along the escalator of Robinsons, we thought to visit one of our favorite place to eat. We are just craving for something sizzling and satisfying meal, so we headed straight at the food court and ordered our all-time favorite meal, Chicken Wings and Pork Barbecue.

Since their stall opened, we have tried one by one all their meals but this one is really the best for us because:
 first: it’s already good for two persons, all you need to do is to buy an extra rice

second: the pork barbecue itself is very tasty, juicy and tender, unlike other fast foods that serve barbecue that is too hard to cut and chew, this one is the best among them.
Third: they serve it with ATSARA which blends perfectly well with the barbecued chicken wings and pork.
Fourth: the barbecue sauce that is very tasty and extraordinaire! 

Fifth: the unlimited tasty soup that they serve together with the complete meal..


 So Green and Violet rates them a 9 for the meal well done!

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